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Southern and East San Diego County Tour: Campo Road to Hwy 80 to Borrego

March 4-5 Southern and East San Diego County Tour: Campo Road to Hwy 80 to Borrego

Explore Southeast San Diego County historic roads and iconic places.

NOTE! This event will be in place of the normal monthly brunch at BAPS in Escondido.

This is a casual tour on the southernmost highways in San Diego County.  We will start at Corner Bakery in Mission Valley, head south to Otay Lakes, then east to Dulzura, Potrero, Campo, Jacumba, and finally Borrego Springs.

Along the way we will see or stop at many interesting places, including Otay Lakes, Pacific Southwest Railway Museum, Motor Transport Museum, Jacumba Hot Springs, Boulder Park at the Desert Tower.  There will be a lunch stop and many interesting points along the way.  We will ultimately make our way from In-Ko-Pah down Mountain Springs Grade to Ocotillo and along the 1849 Great Southern Overland Stagecoach Route to Borrego.

We plan to stay overnight in Borrego Springs, if you wish.  Planned activities for Sunday include viewing desert flowers and Breceda Sculptures.  There are many other activities and sightseeing available in the area, including golfing, jeep rides, wildlife refuge, etc.

For lodging, some of us plan to stay Borrego Springs Resort.  Other nearby options are La Casa Del Zorro and Borrego Valley Inn.  Those are fairly expensive.  Less expensive options are Borrego Springs Motel, Palm Canyon Hotel, and a few others.  For any choice, you will need reservations well in advance (ASAP), because it will be peak flower season in Borrego Springs.

To extend the tour, you could drive up Banner Grade (SR-78 W) to Julian and enjoy apple pie or cider.

**NOTE** I will need everyone to confirm participation so that I can notify the restaurant how many chairs are needed.  They will be setting up special seating for us, because it has been normally a take-out restaurant (Italian - Pizza, erc.).  Also, urgency of placing hotel reservation(s) should be emphasized due to high-season for desert flowers tourism.

Earlier Event: February 5
SD Minis February Breakfast
Later Event: April 2
April SD Minis Breakfast/Gathering