
Motors 4 Music 2025
9:00 AM09:00

Motors 4 Music 2025

San Marcos High School Music Boosters on behalf of the SMHS Bands and Color Guard are very excited to announce the 10th anniversary of our beloved Motors4Music Car Show Fundraiser that will be held on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at San Marcos High School from 9 am to 12:30pm.

New this year we will kick-off the show with a morning salute of engine revving and horn honking to wake up the neighbors and get the party started! There will also be a new maker market with our vendor row highlighting local businesses and artisans from our community for those wanting to do a little shopping at the show. Based on feedback from last year, there will be more food trucks and restrooms and we are upgrading the sound system so you can hear the music and announcements throughout the entire show area. As tradition, all vehicle entries get a free show t-shirt, the SMHS Jazz and Salsa bands will provide live music, the SMHS Color Guard will close out the show with a fabulous checkered flag send off, and our Master Fabricator, Ryan Carpenter, will once again wow us with his custom trophy creations that you can win in one of our 25 class and specialty award categories. It's going to be an epic event and you won't want to miss out on the fun, food, friends and of course, the CARS!

And since this is a fundraiser, you can feel good knowing your entry fees go directly to supporting all of the extra band expenses (coaching, transportation to tournaments, uniforms, props, etc) not covered by the school district funds. We love sharing our musical talents with our Motors4Music community and we greatly appreciate all of your support!

Registration Detail Here:

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Rolling British Car Day
9:00 AM09:00

Rolling British Car Day

It's that time of year again! Follow along with us as we head through the twisty roads of San Diego county on our way on Rolling British Car Day.

This event is the primary fund raiser for British Car Day later this year, and is a chance to meet up with a motley crew of various British car owners of questionable judgement and character, and drive (or push/pull) up to a picnic at Menghini Winery in (hopefully) sunny Julian, CA. So pack your basket with some tasty vittles and join us at one of the two possible starting locations.

Choose either:

The Northern Route starting from the Windmill Food Hall parking lot at 890 Palomar Airport Rd., Carlsbad CA 92011

- OR -

The Southern Route starting from the NW corner of Parkway Plaza parking lot El Cajon, CA 92020

Driving Tours leave both locations at about 9:30am, with gatherings at 9:00 am, and hopefully we'll cross paths on Archie Moore Road in Ramona on the way. A great opportunity to honk and wave to each other as we go!

• No pre-registration required, meet at one of the starting points at 9:00 am - Tours start at 9:30 am

• Cost is $20 per car - payable at start of driving tour

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Queen’s English British Car Show 2025
8:30 AM08:30

Queen’s English British Car Show 2025

Queen’s English all British Car Show debuted in 2008, after much encouragement from British car friends, and quickly became a favorite of the British car community. It is a unique show in that there is no formal judging and people are encouraged to bring their daily drivers and "works in progress." Many clubs now consider it an important event in their calendars.

Born of a passion for automobiles, British, French, Italian and more, we are excited to pass the torch to Moss Motors to continue the fun and joy at Woodley Park.

Let's pick a meeting spot and caravan up! This is a long trek, and we'll likely meet the Mini Clubs up in the LA area for coffee and snacks on the way and parade in, Mini's together! Last year, we popped into a Starbucks close by.

The show starts at 8:30am, but we'll be leaving the San Diego area well before then, likely 5-5:30 am, so get lots of sleep and be prepared for a fun, and long, drive.

There will be hundreds of cars, and you can register ahead for $30 (plus Eventbrite fees) or $40 the day of the event.

Check out the details here:

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Twisty Trove & Antiques Run
8:45 AM08:45

Twisty Trove & Antiques Run

Twisty Trove and Antiques Run

May 18, 2025. Driver meeting 08:45, Departure 09:00.

Designed and brought to you by Jim Everett! You know his runs and you know this will be EPIC...

Join with San Diego Minis on a cruise through three of the best north county twisties. Our scenic route will take us from Escondido through Valley Center, Temecula, De Luz, and end in Vista. This is about a three hour run plus lunch afterwards in Vista, then a visit to the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum.

We recommend you have a navigator on this run. The run includes poorly marked turns, confusing intersections, and of course twisties where cars will certainly get separated.

We will start at BJ’s Restaurant Parking Lot, North County Fair; 204 E. Via Rancho Pkwy, Escondido, 92025. There are fuel stations across the street.

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March Meet Up
8:30 AM08:30

March Meet Up

Motor on! to the next monthly Mini meeting in the North County!

Spring is just around the corner! Really! Punxatany Phil told me himself...

Our next Breakfast Meeting is Sunday, March 2nd at The Original Broken Yolk Cafe, at 11630 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego. Plan to arrive about 8:30am and then go in to eat at 9am. For those of you who attend the North County SCMM Meetings, you'll know right where this is!

There's plenty of parking and and tasty food served by the kind folks at the restaurant. All are invited, Mini or MINI or other, with special preference given to Ford Fiestas...! Roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Morris or ??? All makes of cars (and drivers, and navigators, and back seat VIPs) are welcome! We'd love to see you and share some great conversation, make some plans, and kick some tires.

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Coffee and Donuts & Mini of San Diego
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee and Donuts & Mini of San Diego

The kind folks at Mini of San Diego have invited us over for Coffee and Doughnuts! Roll up in your Mini and grab a tasty pastry and a slug o' joe and yammer endlessly about your Mini. While your at it, you can check out the cool cars they have on display, and maybe even kick a few tires. Rumor has it, there may even be a run planned afterwards to a secret luncheon destination. Who knows?!?

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8:30 AM08:30

February Meetup!

A Reminder to Motor on to our next Monthly Meetup!
Our next Breakfast Meeting is on February 2nd at The Corner Bakery in Mission valley. Hopefully Punxsutawney Phil isn't scared by his shadow and our spring time runs are warm and inviting. There is plenty of parking in the lot and as usual, plan to arrive at or near 8:30am and then our meeting will start at 9am.

*** Meeting Agenda***
Stories from the Salton Sea Run
February or March Cars and Coffee with Mini of San Diego with a possible run after
Rolling British Car Day plans and registration notes
March and April Runs and Event Planning

So roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Marcos or Morris Minor or ??? (as always, special preference is given to Ford Fiestas.) All makes of cars (and drivers, and navigators, and back seat VIPs) are welcome! We'd love to see you and share some great conversation, make some plans, and kick some tires.

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8:30 AM08:30

Salton Sea Run

Start at 302 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA (STARBUCKS)

Update: Lunch will be a “bring your own” at the Salton Sea State Recreation Area. It may be possible to pick up a lunch at the rest/gas stop in Mecca.

"Come With Me To See The Salton Sea" Run, led by Dan Roslund will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2025 with an early start of 8:30 AM. If weather delayed: Sunday, January 19. This is a Driver's Run: A spirited, fast-paced run for modern Mini drivers. Cinch your seatbelt tight, two hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road. This is an over 200-mile, daylong run to the East side of the Salton Sea in Imperial County, ending in Julian. An overnight stay in Julian is possible if you make reservations early.
Passengers are encouraged, however pets and children in car seats are not. Most classic Minis will not be able to keep up with the group. Please begin with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. Fully charged Family Service Radios are a must. Club radios may be available on a first come, first served basis.
Our first stop will be at Christmas Circle in Borrego Springs CA with restrooms. Then on to Mecca CA for a fuel (if needed) and snack stop. We will head into the twistys of Box Canyon then to Hwy 111 for the drive along the East side of the Salton Sea. Possible stops are the International Banana Museum, Salton Sea State Park and Visitor's Center, Bombay Beach, Salvation Mountain and Slab City. This is a full day of driving and sightseeing!
We'll start early on Sunday the 12th of January and will leave Starbucks, 302 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido (at the intersection of El Norte Pkwy and Centre City Pkwy) at 8:30 AM. Please arrive EARLY for coffee and the restrooms. Driver's Meeting at 8:15, we leave promptly at 8:30 AM!!
What a fun day it's going to be: Come With Me To See The Salton Sea.

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8:30 AM08:30

January Meetup!

So it's a New Year and time for our first meet up of 2025!

You know the drill - let's get together around 8:30am and then head in for grub and hub-caps talk at the Broken Yolk on Carmel Mountain Road.

There's lots to talk about and plans to discuss. We'll have hats and there's still time to get shirts ordered. Roll up in your Mini or Moke or Marcos or Morris, and as always, special preference given to Ford Fiestas...

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8:30 AM08:30

Annual Holiday Party

Annual Holiday Party!

Motor On to our Annual Holiday Party!

Jessica and Ryan have relented to our cajoling and offered up their home to our motley crew for our holiday extravaganza.

Truth be told, they very generously and quickly answered "Yes, of course!" when asked.

At the party, lunch will be served (Check back for food related details,) we'll have the White Elephant Gift Exchange (bonus point for Mini related gifts,) and there will be a bin for Toys for Tots. If you can, please bring an unwrapped toy (or toys!) to donate.

Of course, the only thing you *must* bring is the present of your presence! Everything else is a bonus. You make this club amazing!, Yeah, we're talking to YOU! Please join us, and RSVP for the head count for the food order.

After a brief drivers' meeting at about 8:45, we'll then head out at 9am. The plan is to take a leisurely drive down through La Jolla and the beach area out to their place, leaving Soledad Mountain Park from the Front lot and cruising around the monument and then down the hill, party-bound.

We should arrive at our destination between 11:00 and 11:30 (For those of you in the know, this is far from an exact science.) If you're not able to make the run, we'll update the event page with the address of the party a day or two ahead of time, so be sure to check in. We'd rather not post their address publicly, yet.

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8:30 AM08:30

December Breakfast Meetup

Our next Breakfast Meeting is Sunday, December 1st at The Corner Bakery, 1025 Camino De La Riena, San Diego. Plan to arrive about 8:30am and then go in to eat at 9am. There's plenty of parking and and tasty food served by the kind folks at the restaurant. Everyone is welcome!

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8:30 AM08:30

Annual Casino Charity Run

Start at Kotija's Taco Shop 2319 E. Valley Pkwy

It's time for our annual Casino Charity Run!

We'll have a drivers' meeting near Kotija's Taco Shop 2319 E. Valley Pkwy (grab a tasty breakfast burrito!) and collect a $20/car suggested donation (no limit if you're feeling more generous, and no minimum if your heart is in the run but your wallet isn't.). Then it's off to four different casinos via some very fun and twisty roads. We'll hit Valley View Casino, Harrah's Rincon Casino, Casino Pauma and Pala Casino in our quest to wrest treasures for this year's charity. See the Poll in the Main Feed for our selection this year. Those results combined with emailed votes will determine the recipient charity.

This will be a fun-run, and is suitable for Minis of all stripes.

At the end of the run we'll have prizes for Most Winnings, Most Losses, and a 50/50 raffle with Mini related prizes!

After that bring your appetite along and we'll head on over to Lazy H Ranch Steakhouse on Highway 76 and share a meal and some conversations.

We hope to see you there! Bring your friends and family for a terrific ride.

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7:30 AM07:30

San Diego British Car Day!

Registration now open! Go to and follow instructions there.

Come and check out a broad assortment of British cars and enjoy the camaraderie, the beautiful Tidelands Park location and the San Diego sun. This is our Annual showcase event.

Bring your British car along, whether it’s a work in progress with years of patina, or restored to the max - either way it doesn’t matter, we’d love to see it! Come and join the group for a GREAT day on the grass at Tidelands Park.

This event is open to the public. We welcome all British makes and models plus spectators for the annual San Diego British Car Day.

Only registered cars are permitted on the field.


Pop-up tents/EZ-UPS are allowed, but NOT near the display cars and spikes cannot be hammered into the ground. Food is available for sale onsite, or you can bring your own.

Per Coronado by-laws The following are not permitted:


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8:30 AM08:30

East County Fun Run

Meet at Otay Reservoir parking lot at 2197 Wueste Rd North, Driver meeting at 8:45am, Depart 9am.

We'll start in the first lot at Otay Lakes, near the boat launch area. There are restrooms close by, but not shops or coffee or snacks so bring some along with your radio and your amazing sense of adventure for this East County Fun Run!

Most of this was designed by our very own Diane Walker, and is suitable for both modern and classic Minis.

Check the SD Minis Facebook page for more details.

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9:00 AM09:00

September Meetup! North County

Monthy breakfast and meetup at the Broken Yolk Cafe, 11630 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego

Plan to arrive about 8:30am and then go in to eat at 9am. For those of you who attend the North County SCMM Meetings, you'll know right where this is!

There's plenty of parking and and tasty food served by the kind folks at the restaurant. All are invited, Mini or MINI or other, with special preference given to Ford Fiestas...! Roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Morris or ??? All makes of cars (and drivers, and navigators, and back seat VIPs) are welcome! We'd love to see you and share some great conversation, make some plans, and kick some tires.

On the agenda are - British Car Day Update, Stories from those of us returning from MTTS or East Meets West, British Car Day Update, a September Spirited Run (Day to be selected and Route TBD) and the ever popular - Why Auto start/stop is annoying (and yes, Joe will bring his ODBII reader to turn it off in your Modern Mini if you want.)

We hope to see you there on the 1st. Tell your friends!!

Identify this car and win a prize at the breakfast!

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8:30 AM08:30

Run to Idyllwlild

We're joining SCMM for this one, and Craig Williams will head up this run. We will start at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse in Escondido (North County Mall).

Gather at 8:30am then rolling at 9:00am. Bring your radio and a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. Snacks and Drinks optional...

This run is 105 miles long; 2-1/2 hours via Highland Valley Road, Old Julian Highway, Warner Springs (back side of Palomar Mountain) via 79, then 371 to 74 into Idyllwild. Fun route with mix of twisty and scenic roads.

More of a ‘tour’ with some fun roads thrown in. Lunch at Idyllwild Brew Pub in Idyllwild around 11:30am.

Explore Idyllwild afterwards at your own leisurely pace.

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5:00 PM17:00

North County BBQ

Friday Aug 23 5-10pm the Up-In-Smoke BBQ food truck is going to be at the Escondido center for the arts. It'll be a fun meet up!

Samantha Jean will be your Hostess and will coral all the Mini folks for a fun get together! Expand the Event Photo to check out the Menu. Roll up for some delicious grub and fun times with the group!

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to Jul 14

Mini Meet East-West

Mini Meet East West! Every five years Mini Meet East and Mini Meet West are merged into a joint celebration of all things Mini and MINI. This is the NINTH such joint meeting since 1984. It will be in Spearfish, South Dakota, near the famous Black Hills (where MMEW will have a rally through), Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse monument, Deadwood, etc! Come one, come all!

Website (with registration link) is at

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8:40 AM08:40

SD Minis Monthly Meeting

Hey! The next Monthly Meeting is coming up sooner than you think. This time, we are letting you know more than a week before it happens. We'll meet up at the Broken Yolk Cafe in Carmel Mountain Ranch Show up before 9, and we'll head in at 9am for the meeting.

This is the week before Mini Takes The States kicks off, and the day before Mini East Meets West in Spearfish, South Dakota!

Roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Ford Fiesta or ??? and join us as we yammer on endlessly about all things Mini related. We'll be picking a date for the Poker Run and talking about a run for August.

Hope to see you there!

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8:45 AM08:45

Costal Cruise!

  • The Carlsbad Windmill by Wedgewood Weddings (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet up at 8:45 for the start at the old Pea Soup Anderson’s Windmill on Palomar Airport Road (now officially “The Carlsbad Windmill by Wedgewood Weddings”

We're rolling out in our Minis and MINIs and whatever else you'd care to drive (Ford Fiesta, anyone?)! This relaxed approx. 40 mile run skirts the coast, from Carlsbad, down Highway 101, up to the top of Mt. Soledad, down to Vacation Isle, and a zip over the Coronado bridge to Tidelands Park.

We'll meet up in time for a drivers' meeting between 8:45 & 9:00 and we'll take a beautiful and scenic cruise down to coast. Bring your radio, or ask for a loaner (we'll likely have spares,) be sure to gas up your car, and pack a picnic basket for when we get to the park at the end of the run.

Jim Everett designed this beauty, and it's always a hit.

We hope to see you there on the 23rd. Tell your friends!!

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11:00 AM11:00

Joanie and Craig Farewell


Joanie & Craig are throwing themselves a Party, and YOU ARE INVITED!

They will miss their friends and would love to see you there. This soirée will begin at 11am AT THEIR HOUSE.

You likely already know how much Joanie and Craig have done (and continue to do) for the Mini community, and this is a great opportunity to thank them in person before they head off on their next adventure. Let's all meet up and share some love and memories with them, and fill up the parking lot with Minis and MINIs and a Ford Fiesta!!

Bring Hugs and Stories and Camaraderie, but no gifts. Your presence is present enough. (Plus, they've got enough to bring to Utah already.)

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8:30 AM08:30

May Breakfast Meeting

*** Yet Another NEW Location ***

Our next Breakfast Meeting is Sunday, May 5th at The Broken Yolk Cafe,  at 11630 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego. Plan to arrive about 8:30am and then go in to eat at 9am. For those of you who attend the North County SCMM Meetings, you'll know right where this is! There's plenty of parking and and tasty food served by the kind folks at the restaurant.

All are invited, Mini or MINI or other, with special preference given to Ford Fiestas...!

Roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Morris or ??? All makes of cars (and drivers, and navigators, and back seat VIPs) are welcome! We'd love to see you and share some great conversation, make some plans, and kick some tires.

On the agenda are -

Distribution of Club Shirts not yet delivered (and order forms will be available if you'd like to order one.)
Celebration Party Plans for Joanie & Craig on the 19th
Possible run ideas for May and June
IMM and Mini Takes the States Updates
And the every popular - Why Auto start/stop is annoying (and yes, Joe will bring his ODBII reader to turn it off in your Modern Mini if you want.)

Even 1937 V-12 Rolls-Royces are welcome!

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8:30 AM08:30

March Meeting and Rally to the Minature Craftsmanship Museum!


Join us on Saturday, March 2 for our monthly meet and drive to the Minature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum in Carlsbad!

Gather at “On the Border” restaurant parking lot at North County Fair mall in Escondido (298 E. Via Rancho Parkway) at 8:30, drivers meeting at 8:45, leave at 9. Arrive at the museum about an hour later.

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9:00 AM09:00

February Meeting!

It’s time again for our monthly meet up. Show up a little before 9 AM to kick tires and talk about our minis, then we’ll go into the Corner Bakery in Mission Valley and grab a bite and discuss the February and March events for SD Minis.

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12:00 PM12:00

Annual Holiday Party - Save the Date!

At the home of Jessica and Ryan

4095 Lomaland Dr, San Diego, CA 92106-2880, United States

The Holiday Party is Almost Here - We Hope to See You There!!
The annual Mini Holiday party is a wonderful event and not to be missed. Jessica and Ryan have opened their home to welcome us to share in all things Mini. Food will be served and Fun times will abound.

If scheduling permits, a planned route for the coast down to Point Loma and an inland route west to Point Loma will be shared. (Watch this space for details!)

This event is in lieu of our normal (?) monthly meeting.

Bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots, if you are so inclined. If you'd like to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift of moderate value ($30 or less), and if it's Mini related that's a bonus.

Plan to arrive at about noon, and as much as they are loved, our hosts have asked that we not bring our furry friends along to the party. Since Jessica and Ryan are opening their lovely home to us, let's honor their generosity and be respectful of their space and tread lightly.

Be sure to reach out to any far flung SD Mini folks you know and share the event details.

A wonderful time is guaranteed for all you Mini enthusiasts out there. Please RSVP in a timely manner.

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8:30 AM08:30

Annual Casino Run

Meet at 8:30 am at the Kojitas Taco Shop, 2319 E Valley Parkway, Escondido.

Our annual charity run, please join us for this great event. Each car puts $20 in the pot, and then we drive to Valley View, Harrahs, Pauma and Pala casinos. At each casino, we will pause for half an hour, so that you can go in and gamble if you want to. If you do gamble, and you win, you throw it in the pot. If you lose, you let us know how much you lost, and we write it down. At the end of the run, we tally up the biggest winners and biggest losers, and they get prizes. Then we hold a mini related raffle and a 50-50 raffle. It’s a great day and we raise money for a good charity. This year we are raising money for the MS foundation at the request of a member. 100% goes to the charity!

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9:30 AM09:30

November Breakfast Meeting

Our next Breakfast Meeting is Sunday, November 5th at Kit Carson Park, as BAPS is closed. Coffee and Donuts will be provided (Thank you Joanie!!!). There is a regular Cars and Coffee meet up there, and we'll join in. Plan to arrive about 8:30am with a chair (or two) and we'll circle up and chat at 9am. All are invited!

Roll up in your Mini or MINI or Moke or Morris or ??? (Really, all cars are welcome!) We'd love to see you and share some great conversation, make some plans, and kick some tires.

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8:30 AM08:30

Egg, Bread, and Pie Run

After a drivers’ meeting near the Starbucks at 302 W. El Norte Parkway, at the southeast end of the parking lot, we’ll head east on El Norte Pkwy in search of twisties! Plan to arrive before 9am. The drivers' meeting will be after 8:45 and departure will be led by Dan Roslund at 9am sharp. Show up with your Mini or MINI gassed up and your radio charged up.

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8:30 AM08:30

SD Minis October Breakfast!

October Breakfast Meeting

October Breakfast Meeting

Meet at the Corner Bakery in Mission Valley. 1025 Camino de la Reina in the west end of the Mission Valley Mall parking lot. Kick tires until 9 am, then go in to eat and talk about Minis, MINIs, and other interesting topics!

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8:30 AM08:30

Mt Soledad to Balboa Park Run

Meet at 8:30 at the first parking lot on top of Mount Soledad at the Veteran’s Memorial as you come in through the entrance to Solidad park. We will take off at nine after a driver’s meeting. Don’t be late! Bring radios if you have them we do have loaners if you don’t. We will be driving to Balboa Park going through Coronado Island.

Participants on the inaugural run, 2020

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