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Annual Holiday Party

Annual Holiday Party!

Motor On to our Annual Holiday Party!

Jessica and Ryan have relented to our cajoling and offered up their home to our motley crew for our holiday extravaganza.

Truth be told, they very generously and quickly answered "Yes, of course!" when asked.

At the party, lunch will be served (Check back for food related details,) we'll have the White Elephant Gift Exchange (bonus point for Mini related gifts,) and there will be a bin for Toys for Tots. If you can, please bring an unwrapped toy (or toys!) to donate.

Of course, the only thing you *must* bring is the present of your presence! Everything else is a bonus. You make this club amazing!, Yeah, we're talking to YOU! Please join us, and RSVP for the head count for the food order.

After a brief drivers' meeting at about 8:45, we'll then head out at 9am. The plan is to take a leisurely drive down through La Jolla and the beach area out to their place, leaving Soledad Mountain Park from the Front lot and cruising around the monument and then down the hill, party-bound.

We should arrive at our destination between 11:00 and 11:30 (For those of you in the know, this is far from an exact science.) If you're not able to make the run, we'll update the event page with the address of the party a day or two ahead of time, so be sure to check in. We'd rather not post their address publicly, yet.

Earlier Event: December 1
December Breakfast Meetup
Later Event: January 5
January Meetup!