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Salton Sea Run

Start at 302 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido, CA (STARBUCKS)

Update: Lunch will be a “bring your own” at the Salton Sea State Recreation Area. It may be possible to pick up a lunch at the rest/gas stop in Mecca.

"Come With Me To See The Salton Sea" Run, led by Dan Roslund will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2025 with an early start of 8:30 AM. If weather delayed: Sunday, January 19. This is a Driver's Run: A spirited, fast-paced run for modern Mini drivers. Cinch your seatbelt tight, two hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road. This is an over 200-mile, daylong run to the East side of the Salton Sea in Imperial County, ending in Julian. An overnight stay in Julian is possible if you make reservations early.
Passengers are encouraged, however pets and children in car seats are not. Most classic Minis will not be able to keep up with the group. Please begin with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. Fully charged Family Service Radios are a must. Club radios may be available on a first come, first served basis.
Our first stop will be at Christmas Circle in Borrego Springs CA with restrooms. Then on to Mecca CA for a fuel (if needed) and snack stop. We will head into the twistys of Box Canyon then to Hwy 111 for the drive along the East side of the Salton Sea. Possible stops are the International Banana Museum, Salton Sea State Park and Visitor's Center, Bombay Beach, Salvation Mountain and Slab City. This is a full day of driving and sightseeing!
We'll start early on Sunday the 12th of January and will leave Starbucks, 302 W El Norte Pkwy, Escondido (at the intersection of El Norte Pkwy and Centre City Pkwy) at 8:30 AM. Please arrive EARLY for coffee and the restrooms. Driver's Meeting at 8:15, we leave promptly at 8:30 AM!!
What a fun day it's going to be: Come With Me To See The Salton Sea.

Earlier Event: January 5
January Meetup!
Later Event: February 2
February Meetup!