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Run to Idyllwlild

We're joining SCMM for this one, and Craig Williams will head up this run. We will start at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse in Escondido (North County Mall).

Gather at 8:30am then rolling at 9:00am. Bring your radio and a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. Snacks and Drinks optional...

This run is 105 miles long; 2-1/2 hours via Highland Valley Road, Old Julian Highway, Warner Springs (back side of Palomar Mountain) via 79, then 371 to 74 into Idyllwild. Fun route with mix of twisty and scenic roads.

More of a ‘tour’ with some fun roads thrown in. Lunch at Idyllwild Brew Pub in Idyllwild around 11:30am.

Explore Idyllwild afterwards at your own leisurely pace.

Earlier Event: August 23
North County BBQ
Later Event: September 1
September Meetup! North County